Dr. Dish Basketball Blog

Basketball Shooting Drills: Mid-Range Curl workout with Mike Dunn

Written by Nick Bartlett | Feb 25, 2019 3:32:33 PM

Our good friend and Instagram star, Mike Dunn, joined us in the Dish Lab in this Dr. Dish Skill Builder workout!

Here, he works on shooting off of the curl action. This is a common action that many teams and players utilize in every game. The key is to execute each drill at game speed and simulate game situations.

Challenge yourself to focus on the fundamentals, proper footwork, and remain on balance throughout each shot. Mike Dunn is one of the best shooters we've seen in person. Keep working on your shot every day to get on his level!

For more info on Dr. Dish basketball shooting machines, click here: https://www.drdishbasketball.com

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