Dr. Dish Basketball Blog

Efficient Training vs. Over Training in Basketball

Written by Jefferson Mason | Aug 12, 2019 3:26:32 PM

Every year a new batch of young superstars are introduced to the general basketball public through annual ratings, social media, and word of mouth. These young players salivate at the thought of becoming the next LeBron James or Zion Williamson.

Behind the scenes there is a lot of work that is being done and as each year passes the talent level continues to grow more rapidly. We often focus only on the positive side of this equation but what are the implications of such a rapid growth in skill and strength? How is this mentally and physically affecting our youth and what ramifications does this have long term?


Studies are now finding that players are more prone to severe injuries at youth and younger adult ages because of improper training and excessive playing. This is happening across all sports in North America but is especially prevalent in basketball. Players are jumping higher and running faster than ever and this has to do with the available training tools and facilities across the nation. By no means are these resources a bad thing, but what is the physical cost ultimately long term for young players? What's the cost of trying to stay on par, or even ahead of their peers in this day in age? We have to start asking, is there a better way to train?

Here at Dr. Dish Basketball we pride ourselves on purposeful, efficient, and effective training. Our machines are specifically designed to help players increase skill level at an accelerated rate. We believe this can help play a part in the overall physical and mental health of young players for several specific reasons. Helping players get better faster while limiting the time they need to be on the court will help them develop in other necessary areas off the court to be better. Remember, kids have a tough time juggling school, family time, free time, friends, and other sports so time is the most valuable thing for young players. 

Our line up of machines paired with our Training Management System help players track true progress over time and allow the player to effectively determine weaknesses to work on. Once again this helps eliminate wasted time on the court during training and also challenges the players to be better everyday.

Personally, I can remember my coach in 7th grade telling me that if I didn't workout and train every single day that I would be left in the dust. I took this to heart and spent countless hours on the court which I'm truly proud of. But looking back I realized that I wasted 50% of my time on the court because I didn't train purposefully and really didn't know what I was doing. Those countless hours led to painful hips and knees which affected me later on in my career.


To become the most well-rounded player mentally and physically players must take into account their time spent training, playing in games, time with family/friends, and time spent on school work. They must figure out time to rest within this mix which can be challenging as well.

I personally suggest players taking 1-2 weeks off of training/games every time they finish their AAU season, winter season, and also spring season. When players are young I also recommend they take off 1-2 days a weeks to refresh their mind and also allow their body to rest. For some this is reasonable, but for others it may seem impossible with other sports and year round activities. But I personally know parents that will train their kids in all three sports at a high level in one day. Just imagine the mental and physical tear that child is experiencing.

Last, I would suggest allowing young players to just be kids. Allow them to choose when they want to train and which sports they want to play. This doesn't mean you don't offer and push your kids to be their best. It just means you give them the opportunity to make the conscious decision to get better on their own and truly love what they are doing. You'll find yourself with a happier kid and potentially a better and healthier athlete in the long run.

Be sure to subscribe to our YouTube Channel for new drills and workouts weekly. But most importantly make sure to always train hard, train smart, and train with a purpose!

What are your thoughts? Are kids commonly over training? Do we need to "redefine" hard work? Let us know in the comments!

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For more drills and workouts using Dr. Dish, click here: https://www.drdishbasketball.com/resources

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