by Tony Miller, on Nov 14, 2020 9:00:00 AM
Get 0% APR for 12 Months when you purchase the Dr. Dish Home from now until 2/28
by Tony Miller, on Nov 14, 2020 9:00:00 AM
In Coach Tony Miller's 18th Dr. Dish Drill of the week, he breaks down a great team drill to work on split cuts to create multiple scoring options! Check out the full explanation below!
What do your perimeter players do when the ball enters the post? It’s becoming more and more popular to use split cuts to keep the defense moving, eliminate double teams for the post player, and create multiple scoring options for the offense.
Want more from Coach Tony Miller? Check out his podcast, A Quick Timeout as well as his twitter/social media account @tonywmiller. We're so grateful to have him on our Dr. Dish team!
Check out his other Dr. Dish Basketball Drills here.
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