by Jeremy Rushing, on May 13, 2022 11:00:00 AM
by Jeremy Rushing, on May 13, 2022 11:00:00 AM
In this drill from Ratiopharm Ulm assistant and FIBA certified skills trainer Moris Hadzija, learn how to attack opponents with a skip step into dribble drag ballhandling move that will help create space for your shot.
In this drill, players will get a pass from the Dish and then go right into a skip step and dribble drag back into a mid-range or 3-point shot. This move will help players create extra separation from the defense into their shot.
"I personally think the skip step move is a powerful weapon," says Hadzija. "Especially if you want to stop [and] change direction. But, today we're going to use it like a booster."
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