by Nick Bartlett, on Apr 26, 2021 3:13:12 PM
by Nick Bartlett, on Apr 26, 2021 3:13:12 PM
Our partner Coach Tony Miller demonstrates a great closeout shooting team drill. This drill simulates game action with a defender who closes out on the shooter.
Check out the full breakdown in the video below!
Catch-and-shoot situations can become closer to game-like with a defender who closes out.
For this drill, have the defender go when the ball is passed from the Dr. Dish (for younger kids) or once the passer catches the ball (older kids). Moving closer to game-like catch-and-shoot shots.
Want more from Coach Tony Miller? Check out his podcast, A Quick Timeout as well as his twitter/social media account @tonywmiller. We're so grateful to have him on our Dr. Dish team!
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