Cone Tap Contesting Drill with Coach Tony Miller
by Tony Miller, on Sep 13, 2023 4:30:00 PM
Looking to make practice or a workout more competitive? Look no further, Coach Tony Miller has got you covered! In this Cone Tap Conesting Drill, players will work on getting to an open spot and sprinting into a shot. An underrated skill in basketball is reaction time, this drill features enhancing that skill as a defender and jump shooter.
Checkout the full drill explanation and breakdown below with Coach Tony Miller.
Cone Tap Conesting Drill 
From time to time, I’ll throw a twist into one of our small group workout games just to level up the fun for the players. This small-sided game is a modified game of 1-on-1 tag.
- The shooter will start with a small cone in their hands.
- When the Dish passes out to the coach, the player runs anywhere on that side of the court, set down their cone, move away from the cone, receive a pass from the coach, then shoot a jump shot.
- The defender, who is chasing after the shooter, must tap the top of the cone before contesting the jump shot of the shooter.
Want more drills like this to develop a well rounded practice plan? Click the link below to download the Small-Sided Games book with Coach Tony Miller for FREE!