Edit Your Court: only on DR. DISH SHOOTING MACHINES
by Aaron Lange, on Oct 31, 2022 8:00:00 AM
As the game of basketball continues to evolve, so do the spaces and gyms that shooting machines live in. Regardless of your space, we want to be sure that every Dr. Dish user has the opportunity to Be Better Every Day with their training.
Our newest feature available on all Dr. Dish models is designed to help. Edit Your Court by customizing selectable passing areas based on your space. Now, you can adjust your court layout to include or exclude any areas of the floor. This means, if an area is excluded, your machine will no longer pass to that location.
Getting Started
This feature will help you not only train more efficiently but also keep player safe in any gym setting. How does it work? To edit your court layout, follow these 3 steps.
1- Navigate to the "build a drill" section on your Dr. Dish screen or within the Player App.
2- Click on the 3 dots in the top right corner, and select "Edit Your Court".
3- Chose the locations that you would like to be available and unavailable. Any orange block is a location the machine can pass, while the black locations are unavailable. Once saved, the customized court will be used in all drills unless changed by repeating the above steps.
See For Yourself
For a full breakdown of how to get started, watch the video below!
If you have any questions about Edit Your Court, or our Dr. Dish machines in general, call our office directly. Our team is available M-F 8:00 am - 4:30 PM to assist with any questions. Our direct line is 888-887-7453.