3 Shooting Drills That Make You Your Toughest Competitor
by Tony Miller, on Dec 30, 2024 10:21:51 AM
For the true hoopers out there, the holiday season is no time to rest. Staying sharp with your skills, especially shooting, is key to finishing the basketball season strong in the new year. Here are three competitive shooting drills to use this holiday season to keep your shot locked in.
25 Shot challenge
Coach Shane Hennen’s 25 Shot Holiday Challenge focuses on your midrange game, forcing you to catch fire from one spot before moving on to the next. Here’s how it works:
- Starting in the corner, the shooter must make 5 shots in-a-row before moving to the next spot. The 5 spots are the corners, wings and nail.
- The shooter starts in the corner, and a passer starts at the nail.
- The Dish passes the ball out to the passer who passes to the shooter.
- Shots are all catch-and-shoot jumpers.
Ray Allen Shooting
A drill made famous by the former NBA All-Star and champ. Ray Allen Shooting gets players working on shots from a variety of levels. Have players go through the drill the first time. Set their score as the baseline. Improve that score each time after that.
- Players shoot from 3 spots over the course of 2:00.
- Begin at spot #1 and take 3 shots (each worth 1 point).
- Move to spot #2 and take 2 shots (each worth 2 points).
- Move to spot #3 and take 1 shot (worth 10).
- Move back to spot #1 and begin the cycle again.
- Continue until the 2:00 is up.
Celtic Shooting Challenge
Coach Pat Baldwin’s Celtic Shooting Drill Challenges shooters skill from long range.
- The player shoots from 5 spots (corners, wings, top of the key).
- The Dish passes out to the passer, located at the top of the key.
- The shooter must make 2 shots in-a-row before moving to the next spot.
- The player must make 2 shots from each of the 5 spots, then they must make 2 in-a-row from the same 5 spots (in reverse).
- The goal is to complete the challenge in under 2:00.
The best way to challenge yourself with these drills? Use Dr. Dish's Versus Mode to track your progress and beat your personal best!