5 Ways to Build Confidence for a Game
by Jefferson Mason, on Sep 10, 2024 8:00:00 AM
Confidence is one of the most important things for both coaches and players. Even some of the most skilled and talented players fall short when their confidence is lacking. Having a clear mindset will help coaches stay calm and focused and will also help athletes play to their full potential come game time. Let's take a look at 5 ways to build confidence for both players and coaches.

Knowledge and Adjustments
Any coach that has been on the sidelines understands that through a season and games adjustments need to be made. Adjustments are small changes that can shift the momentum of a game one way or the other. Making adjustments requires a level of confidence because it forces coaches to trust in themselves and what they are feeling or seeing on the court.
Coaches can build confidence to make adjustments by preparing, studying and truly understanding the personnel they have on their team.
When you know what your team is capable of, it's a lot easier to make a quick change to help them accelerate in the correct direction. More times than not, games are decided by simple adjustments, so make sure you have the knowledge which will lead to the confidence to make these changes when necessary.
When times are tough it’s much easier to give up and quit. Overcoming adversity is a trait that many athletes lack in athletics today. With the transfer rules changing, and athletes having the opportunity to leave on the drop of a dime, we see less players overcoming and more simply giving up.
As a former athlete I understand how important a change in scenery can help for the mental, but I also understand that constant change can lead to inconsistency and confusion. Oftentimes, it's better for players to work through issues they are dealing with. By doing this, they can experience what it feels like to overcome lack of playing time, a lesser role, an injury, an argument or even bad grades.
Running from these obstacles delays growth and actually lowers confidence because more times than not the same issue will arise down the line. By persevering, working hard and overcoming players will build confidence knowing they can get through anything the season may throw at them. This will undoubtedly lead to future success.

Affirmation and Trust
Coaches, please make sure to speak life into each one of your players. The top player deserves the same amount of love and coaching as the bottom player. There is a fine line between coaching hard and being a jerk to young athletes. It’s essential for coaches to understand the difference. It is possible to get the most out of your kids by challenging them and affirming them when they succeed.
On the flip side, it's ok to request more out of them without belittling or degrading them. When coaches build players up it helps build trust both ways. Athletes will be more receptive to direction and will want to do more for their coach.
Trust and affirmation lead to confidence and this happens through positive intentions and belief that people can be great.

Reps on Reps
One of the best ways to build confidence is by simply putting in work. Basketball players have to get their reps in and there is no better way to do that then utilizing Dr. Dish shooting machines. Seeing the ball go through the hoop over and over helps players build confidence in their skills and it also helps develop accountability.
Dr. Dish shooting machines allow players to track progress over time and to see the growth they have made as a player. This translates to immediate and future success on the court. This equipment is great all year round and can help players build confidence in the summer and also help players dig their way out of an in season shooting slump.
Lastly, players simply need to be disciplined. When things are going bad or the results aren’t showing right away it's easy to give up or do a complete 180. At times, it's best to trust the work you’ve put in, make slight adjustments and wait for the right moment to show what you got.
It took Michael Jordan 7 years to win a championship. For 7 years he had to grind, work hard and do the things a champion would do even though he wasn’t winning. That takes discipline and perseverance.
Players, be sure to keep a disciplined mindset because your opportunity for success is often right around the corner!

Push Beyond
If you're looking for a great tool to help your team build for success, be sure to check out or Dr. Dish shooting machine lineup. These machines will help build confidence, increase court time and also help take your team to the next level.