Building Confidence for the Playoffs
by Chris Jansen, on Feb 12, 2024 8:49:52 AM
It’s about that time of the year again where teams are looking forward to the day that playoffs come. Along with the thrill of showing out when it really counts the most in win or go-home games. This is an exciting time, but the main focus is still trying to close out the season strong. How can you use these last few games to build confidence going into the playoffs?
Attention to Detail
In a playoff setting, everything is magnified to the greatest extent. Every turnover, missed play call, mental lapse, etc. can shift the way a game is going. Being locked in for the full duration of a game is critical to minimize some of these errors.
So whether you're a coach, or player, really try and use these last few games to focus on your team's ability to minimize these small mistakes. Every bucket is critical, and we don’t want to give any away for free. Having this idea in the back of everyone’s head and executed on the court will bring a different level and confidence to the team when the pressure is at its highest.
The regular season is a grind; a long schedule, injuries, tough conference games, schoolwork, the list goes on. Sometimes, it’s really hard to stay positive in the midst of all the chaos surrounding the team. However, the reason all of us choose to play this game is because we enjoy being out on the court and competing.
No matter what level of basketball you are playing at, positivity goes a long way. Make it a point of emphasis to support everyone on the team with every play. If a teammate makes a tough shot, cheer for them as loud as possible and let them know how great of a play it was at the timeout.
Same can be said for a bad play, move on to the next. Pick up a teammate when they make a tough mistake. While it may not seem like that much of a task, those kind words could be exactly what they needed to move on and get their confidence back. Hear what Miami Head Coach Katie Meier has to say about playing with "competitive joy" in the video below!
Extra Preparation
Nothing builds confidence better than a team feeling like you are prepared for the task at hand. This is especially prevalent going into a playoff game with win or go-home stakes. Diligent preparation within the team is needed for everyone to feel good about their role going into the game.
This is the same with scouting, because these games are most likely out-of-conference, there needs to be a greater emphasis on watching film and scheming for the team you will be playing. If you gameplan diligently and put the time and effort needed into getting ready, good results often come.
Recovery and Injury Prevention
In order to feel good about a long playoff stretch, your body needs to be healthy and energized. Taking care of yourself in the last stretch of regular season games is critical so there are no nagging injuries going into the playoffs. Optimal sleep, nutrition, and training is essential to preventing this.
In the same breadth, if there is an issue, optimal recovery starts with being proactive. Making sure you are spending some time after practice working with an athletic trainer is essential to getting back to where you want to be.
If you're looking for some advice regarding recovery, be sure to check out our Rehab Series below with certified FIBA athletic trainer Justus Bejno.
1. Cross-Country Skier
2. Dragon Slayer
3. Matrix Receiver
4. The Stork
Goal Setting
And lastly, setting goals for yourself and/or your team is a great way to visualize success in the playoffs. Having a vision for what you want to accomplish is so important for your mindset. If you can imagine it happening, you are going to be motivated and confident you can do it.
Whether that is internalizing them, or writing them down somewhere, this is a great mindfulness exercise!

From all of us at Dr. Dish, we wish you a healthy and successful end of the season! Whether you are heading to the playoffs or not, every year is a learning lesson with valuable experience as you progress through your athletic journey.