Dr. Dish New Feature Release: Workout Activity Options Expanded
by Emily Stiemsma, on Jul 20, 2018 2:37:10 PM
This week we pushed more new features live in our TMS (Training Management System). Giving you and your players more control and improve ease of use. Check them out below!
Here are the highlights:
- The first feature allows you to see the results of a specific workout. With this new feature, you will have the option to view or delete an activity.
If you choose to VIEW a workout, you will see the workout results page shown below. With the option to toggle over to the workout details. This allows you to see what the workout was that lead to the results shown.

Workout detail shown here:

- The second update changes the naming convention of drills programmed on the Dish within the activity page. Today a drill that is programmed on the Dish shows as blank on the activity page. With this update, it will show up as "unspecified workout" with location of the Dish specified.
Old View:
New View:

If you have any questions about this new feature in Skill Builder please give us a call at 1-888-887-7453 or send us a message.
If you would like a TMS/Skill builder demo please fill out a request a demo form and someone will be in touch with you shortly!
Checkout another new feature release blog post on our “Away from the Basket” feature in our Training Management System. This allows you to create custom workouts with the Dish in locations other than under the basket using the swivel net technology on the Dr. Dish All-Star.